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 Our clients long since had drawn a conclusion that every program of MAKRODATA company is a reliable capital investment. Because the structure of our company renovates and developes every day. All these things is reflected the sales increasing graphic. It is clear that our company keeps growing year by year. The dealers of production companies demand the software products of MAKRODATA company. A lot of companies requires a proficiency in our program during recruitment procces. This fact makes us proud of our products.

Our company prefers working in a competitive conditions. Our competitors make us stronger and promote our fast development. Companies as consumers also have an opportunity to compare both the quality of software products and services provided. So that, the more competitors we have the more visible our work principles are. Our clients do not work on a base of price rates, learning by experience that cheap software products interferes both the company and production sector. You can find a lot of big and small companies reviewing this sector. Our real consumers are those that developed and gained stability in a short term. Our new launched software product MAKROPROF purposes development of these and other foreign companies.

    Our main sales on basis of consumer companies are shown in the following diagram

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